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President's Welcome
What are you doing to achieve your educational goals?
Continuing one's education is necessary for a leader in today's world, regardless of the field he/she is serving in, simply because he/she should be able to envision the future for others. For leadership in the twenty-first century, all relevant education and training acquired to date is insufficient for effective leadership.
In today¡¯s world of incessant change, it is imperative to have the responsibility to equip oneself with knowledge, heart, spirit, and leadership. It is essential to cooperate with one another and to share the knowledge students have learned to build team synergy.
We are here to challenge the world with educational programs characterized by vision, honesty, and faithfulness, integrity, and responsibility. We need to do our best to develop these characteristics and to build important leadership skills that contribute to the enhancement of our communities, societies, and countries by being valuable lights and salt for the world we live in.
God Bless You,
Dr. James Song
Founder / President

What are you doing to achieve your educational goals?
Continuing one's education is necessary for a leader in today's world, regardless of the field he/she is serving in, simply because he/she should be able to envision the future for others. For leadership in the twenty-first century, all relevant education and training acquired to date is insufficient for effective leadership.
In today¡¯s world of incessant change, it is imperative to have the responsibility to equip oneself with knowledge, heart, spirit, and leadership. It is essential to cooperate with one another and to share the knowledge students have learned to build team synergy.
We are here to challenge the world with educational programs characterized by vision, honesty, and faithfulness, integrity, and responsibility. We need to do our best to develop these characteristics and to build important leadership skills that contribute to the enhancement of our communities, societies, and countries by being valuable lights and salt for the world we live in.
God Bless you.
Dr. James Song
Founder / President