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Financial Information

The cost of tuition covers only a portion of our students' educational expenses; therefore, Midwest University depends upon the generous gifts of alumni, supporters, and friends to ensure the highest quality educational experience for our students and the continued growth of our institution. In registering as a student at Midwest University, you agree to pay all charges on your account when due (payment arrangements can be made as determined by the financial office) and you agree to abide by the Fees and Refund Policies stated below:

TUITION AND FEES (Residential and E-Learning)
International Pilot Certificate

Program Per Credit hour
English as a Second Language (ESL) per semester (180 hours) $3,540 for 180 hours
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration $395
Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Biblical Studies / Christian Education) $295
Bachelor of Science in Aviation and Future Transportation Technology $395
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science $395
Bachelor of Music $395
Master of Arts in Education with Emphasis in Brain & Gifted Education $495
Master of Arts in Counseling, Education, TESOL $395
Master of Business Administration $495
Master of Divinity $300
MFA $495
Master of Music $495
Doctor of Fine Art $550
Doctor of Leadership (DL), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) $495
Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) $365
Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) $550
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) $550
Doctor of Philosophy in Financial Economics (Ph.D.) $600
Only Music and Dance Applied Area Course per Semester Lesson Fee
Bachelor of Music $1,000
Master $1,200
Doctorate $1,500
Only Art Applied Area Course per Semester Lesson Fee
Master $1,800
Doctorate $2,400
Level Graduation Fee
Bachelor $580
Master (M.Div, Counseling, Education, Music, TESOL) $750
MBA, MFA & MA Gifted $1,150
D.Min. $1,150
DL, DFA, Ph.D. & DMA $1,250
I-901 Form Fee $350
I-20 Processing / Maintenance Fee $200
Application Fee $100
Document Handling Fee (Fee varies depending on services requested by student) $100
<Total> $750
I-20 Transfer-out Application Processing Fee $300
Visa Maintenance Fee - Per Semester $100
CPT, OPT Processing Fee $300
Security Deposit $700
Room Cost (1 room 2 person) / Month (Cleaning fee $200 Non-refundable per person) $698 per person
FEES (Non-Refundable)**
Application Fee $100
Orientation Fee (On Campus new students only) $50
English Placement Test Fee $35
Change of Program(Degree) Fee $50
Official Transcript Fee / Document Fee $30
Late Registration Fee (per course) $30
Returned Check Charge $40
E-learning Course Dropping Fee (per course) $20
Examination Fee (Music)
   Master Recital $300
   Doctoral Recital $500
   Ensemble Recital $500
   Lecture Recital $500
Research Project Fee
   D.Min.(Advising fee $1000 / Oral Defense $800)

Dissertation Fee
   Qualifying Exam Fee (DL, Ph.D & DMA) $100
   DL (Advising /Oral Defense) $2,600
   Ph.D. DFA (Advising /Oral Defense) $2,900
   DMA ((Dissertation / Graduation Recital) Advising & Oral Defense) $2,900
Per Semester
Registration Fee & Technology & Library fee $145
Student Fee (only for main campus) $65

** For all fees listed in the above section, the university allows for a period of no less than three days, (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) after registration for students to cancel their enrollment with a refund of all fees paid, excluding tuition. After the three day period, the fees are non refundable.

A late registration fee will be assessed per course after the registration deadline.

Any fee listed in this catalog is subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of Midwest University. Although as much advance notice as possible will be given, tuition and fees may be changed without prior notification.


Midwest University

851 Parr Rd, Wentzville, MO 63385 | (636)327-4645 | usa@midwest.edu
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Midwest University

851 Parr Rd, Wentzville, MO 63385
Copyright © 2015 Midwest University
Staff Login