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Student Government
All on-campus students who are full-time (bachelor's and master's degree students) must attend Midwest University's chapel services.
All students at Midwest University are encouraged to participate in the student government. The student government works to promote structure for student expression and self-government. It was organized to serve as a voice for the student body to communicate with university administration and trustees, to cooperate with the faculty and administration in the daily function of the university, to advance the welfare of the university, and to promote an awareness of and interest in the vital issues affecting the university community. Each May, the student government elects officers who will serve as the student government leadership who will work with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
Midwest University aims to resolve all student concerns and grievances. Students should attempt to resolve any issues or complaints within Midwest University. It is the objective of Midwest University to adequately address student complaints in an acceptable manner that avoids a formal grievance process. Should this objective not be met, students are expected to use the Internal Grievance Procedure before seeking an external resolution.
Students who feel that their concerns have not been adequately addressed may contact the institution's accreditation agency: The Association for Biblical Higher Education, 5850 TG Lee Blvd. Suite 130, Orlando, Florida, 32822, Ph. (407) 207-0808, www.abhe.org.
- MU Student Grievance Form : MU-student-grievance-form.pdf
Midwest University is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), an agreement that establishes standards for postsecondary distance education among member states. Each SARA state designates a state agency to serve as the state’s portal agency, the point of contact for SARA questions, complaints and other communications. The Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE) acts as the SARA portal agency for Missouri.
As a participant in SARA, Midwest University follows the SARA Student Complaint Resolution Process in addressing the complaints of distance education students from SARA member states. If unsatisfied with the outcome of the law school’s internal complaint process, a student may appeal to MDHE. (See below for contact information) Disputes regarding grades and student conduct violations fall outside the SARA complaint process and are governed entirely by Midwest University.
Joshua Fischer
State Portal Entity
Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
310 W. High Street
P.O Box 1469
Jefferson City, MO 65102-1469
Phone: (573) 522-1377
1. The student will file the grievance in writing using the Student Grievance Form and give a copy to the Director of Student Affairs. A copy will also be given to the President's Administrative Council. (The President's Administrative Council Members for Student Grievance consists of the Academic Dean and the Chaplain.)
2. The President's Administrative Council will meet and determine if the grievance has validity and needs further action. If the Committee decides the grievance is invalid and dismisses it, the student has the right to appeal for a hearing with the Committee.
3. If further action is needed, the President's Administrative Council will meet with the student bringing forth the grievance. A decision will be made if there is further action needed.
4. If the grievance is not corrected, then the party or parties mentioned by the student will meet with the President's Administrative Council and the student to determine what course of action can be taken to remedy the situation. After this meeting, the President's Administrative Council will make its decision which may still be appealed by the grievant. The student does not at any step surrender his/her rights to legal counsel and/or action.