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Endowed Chair Professors

    Dr. Chung, Kun-mo

    ¢ºGyeonggi High School Completed one Year

    ¢ºGraduated from Seoul National University, Department of Physics

    ¢ºCompleted master's course at Seoul National University

    ¢ºDoctor of Science, Michigan State University

    ¢ºPrinceton University Post-Doc course

    ¢ºDoctor of Honor Engineering, Michigan State University

    ¢ºHonorary Doctor of Engineering at Polytechnic University, USA

    ¢ºHonorary Doctor of Global Leadership at Midwest University, USA

    ¢¹Former President of IAEA

    ¢¹Secretary of Ministry of Science and Technology

    ¢¹President of HoSeo Univ., MyongJi Univ.

    ¢¹Executive Adviser of Kepco

    ¢¹International Executive Adviser of Global Leadership Institute / Forum

    Dr. William J. Federer

    ¢ºB.A., St. Louis University Business Administration

    ¢ºHonorary Doctor of Leadership, Midwest University

    ¢¹President of IEC(International Education Cooperation)

    ¢¹Advisory Director of Eagle Forum

    ¢¹American Christian Best-selling Author

    ¢¹CEO of America Minutes

    Dr. Deborah Fikes

    ¢ºB.A., A&M University. TX

    ¢ºM.A., University of Texas

    ¢ºDoctoral Degree International Human Rights Law Oxford University in United Kingdom

    ¢ºHonorary Doctor of Leadership from Midwest University

    ¢¹Executive Advisor of WEA

    ¢¹Executive Director of WEA UN

    ¢¹Lifetime Menber of Council on Foreign Relations

    ¢¹Advisor to Harvard Center for Health and Global Environment

    ¢¹GLI Women's Global Leadership Institude / Forum President

    Dr. Un-Shil Choi

    ¢ºB.A., Ewha Woman¡¯s University, (Major: Education, Minor: English Education), 1978

    ¢ºM.A., Ewha Woman¡¯s University, Graduate School of Education (Sociology of Education Major), 1981

    ¢ºPh.D., Ewha Woman¡¯s University, Graduate School (Lifelong Education Major), 1986

    ¢¹2021~present Emeritus Professor, Ajou University, Republic of Korea

    ¢¹2020~present Chaired Professor, Seowon University, Republic of Korea

    ¢¹2023~present Chairperson & President, The Future Planet Foundation

    ¢¹2022~present Chairperson, KCEF (Korean Community Education Foundation)

    ¢¹2020-present Chairperson, UNESCO EAC Learning City Expert Advisory Committee

    ¢¹2020~2022 Vice-chair, UIL(UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning)

    ¢¹2015~present Chair, Korea Foundation for Lifelong Education

    ¢¹2015~present CEO, Representative Publisher, Internet Newspaper 'Lifelong Learning Times'

    ¢¹2010~2014 The 2nd President, NILE(Korean National Institute for Lifelong Education)

    ¢¹2010 Inductees of the IACE Hall of Fame, USA, Class 2010

    ¢¹2010~present International Advisor, OEI(Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture)

    ¢¹2010~present Editorial member of IRE(UNESCO Journal of Lifelong learning)

    ¢¹2006-present Member of ASEM Education and Research Hub-Lifelong Learning Network

    ¢¹2004-2010 International Jury for UNESCO Literacy Prize

    ¢¹1985 Research Fellow, University of Missouri Columbia

    Dr. Bruce Johnson

    ¢ºUndergraduate Requirements, Bethel University, 1971

    ¢ºB.A., University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communicatons, 1973

    ¢ºInstitute of Biblical Studies, International School of Theology, 1975

    ¢ºHonorary Degree, Doctor of Leadership, Midwest University, 2018

    ¢¹Director of Here's Life Resource Center

    ¢¹Director of Marketing to Campus Crusade Staff

    ¢¹Media/creative Projects Coordinator for Dr. Bill Bright, President, Campus Crusade

    ¢¹Director of Creative Studios

    ¢¹Founder and President of Next Level Leadership

    ¢¹Interim President of Missionary Athletes International

    ¢¹Vice President Field Ministries of Asian Access

    ¢¹Interim President of Asian Access

    ¢¹Presedent of SIM USA

    Dr. June-Ho Jang

    ¢ºB.A., Myongji University, 1985

    ¢ºM.E., Yonsei University, 1988

    ¢ºM.E., Tokyo University, Japan , 1990

    ¢ºPh.D., Tokyo University, Japan , 1993

    ¢¹2003.1~2004.2: MIT Department of Urban Planning (Professor of Research)

    ¢¹ 2009.12~2010.8: Department of Urban Planning (UCL) at the University of London

    (UCL) (Professor of Guest)

    ¢¹ 2019.3~2020.2: Department of Urban Environmental Studies, Beijing University,

    China (Professor of Invitation)

    ¢¹ 1995.3~:Professor of Urban Information Engineering at Anyang University/ The dean

    of academic affairs/ Acting university president Korean Planning Association a life


    ¢¹The City Planning Institute of Japan a life member

    ¢¹ Architectural Institute of Korea a life member

    ¢¹Urban design institute of Koreaa life member

    ¢¹Korean regional science association a life member

    ¢¹ The korean urban geographical society a life member

    ¢¹Korean association for housing policy studies a life member

    Dr. JongYoul Yoo

    ¢ºB.A., Seoul National University, 1968

    ¢ºM.A., New York University, 1970

    ¢ºPh.D., New York University, Japan , 1973

    ¢¹1978~1980: Professor for National Policy Evaluation, Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Korea

    ¢¹ 1980~1981: Strategic Consultant to President R. Reagan of the USA

    ¢¹1984~1985: Counsellor, Unification Policy Council,the Board of Unificatio, Republic of Korea

    ¢¹1984~1987: Counsellorfor Educational Policy, the Governmental Committee for Social Purification

    ¢¹ 1988~1989: Coordinator of the Public Policies of the Presidential Office and of the Ruling Political Party (Minjeongdang)

    ¢¹1989~1991: Director, Office of Ideological Studies, the Minjadang, the Ruling Political Party

    ¢¹ 1989~1993: President, the Movement for Reconstruction of Social Ethics

    ¢¹ 1995~1996: Lecturer on Unification Policies of North and South Korea, the Korea Freedom League

    ¢¹ 2009~2010: Chairman, The Hanaro Newspaper in Gyonggi Province, Korea

    ¢¹ 2017~Present: President, the Movement for the Development of Korea into the Faith Power of the World

    ¢¹2017~Present: President, the National Movement to Strengthen the Korean-American Alliance

    ¢¹ 2017~Present: President, the Movements to Nullify the IllegalImpeachment of President Park and to Prevent Communication of the Republic of Korea

    ¢¹2017~Present: Co-President of the Korean Association of the Research Institutes for National Security and Unification

    Dr. Kim, Chun Gon

    ¢ºB.A., Kyungnam University, 1993

    ¢ºM.B.A., Dankuk University, 2003

    ¢ºD.B.A., Gachon University, 2008

    ¢ºD.S., Kyunghee University, 2018

    ¢¹Head Professor in Graduate School of Business Administration, Dankook University

    ¢¹President/Chief Director of International Children Youth Culture and Art Association

    ¢¹Guest Professor in St. Petersburg State University, Russia

    ¢¹Member of Deliberation Committee in Central Election Poll

    ¢¹Member of Personal Information Protection Committee Belonging to the President (Vice-Minister Class)

    ¢¹Honorary Professor of University Kyrgyz Economic in Kyrgyzstan

    ¢¹Mongolia Global Leadership University Korea President

    Jun, Yongbok
    (Lacquer Artist)

    ¢ºB.A., Youngsan University, 1988

    ¢¹2011 - 2020, Endowed-Chair Professor, Department of Interior Design, Youngsan University

    ¢¹Jan. 2004 - Feb. 2010, Director, Iwayama Lacquer Art Museum, Japan

    ¢¹July 1988 - May 1997, Director, Tokyo Meguro Gajoen, Laquerre, Japan

    ¢¹Jul. 12, 2017, Selected as a Global Premium Living Good, by Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP), Seoul, Korea

    ¢¹Oct. 05, 2012, Letter of Commendation, Minister of National Court Administration, Justice of Supreme Court, South Korea

    ¢¹Dec. 13, 2011, Directors Award, 2011 Crafts Design Education for University Students, Presidential Citation for New 2000 Intellectuals, President of South Korea

    ¢¹1988, Special Prize, Iwate Prefecture, Japan

    ¢¹Jun. 17, 1986, Grand Prize, Craft Division 1, Title: Watae (clay) Lacquerware, the Contemporary Art Competition, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Public Affairs, South Korea

    PATENTS: Jun. 23, 2014, Japanning coating method of metal and metal product by the method, Reg. No. 1014129690000 (Registered)
    Feb. 28, 2013, Oriental lacquer coating method on glass board and glass board made by the same that, Reg. No. 1012403020000 (Expired)
    Feb. 28, 2013, Oriental lacquer applied stent and manufacturing method therefor, Reg. No. 1012402930000 (Expired)


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