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Midwest International Research Institute
Midwest International Office
As the environment, society, and governance have emerged as the core of management in the current capital market and corporate management, ESG management has become a survival strategy for various entities to prepare for the climate change crisis and stakeholder capitalism. there is. Therefore, this ESG Management Research Institute is analyzing and researching ESG management, which is emerging as a new paradigm and affecting society as a whole in accordance with these changes, and is striving to foster global ESG management leaders for this era.
Today, countries, businesses, societies, individuals, organizations, and human lives are jeopardized by crises in various forms including natural disasters, climate change, the environment, the new pandemic (e.g, C0V1D-19), national and political conflicts, terrorism, cyber, attacks, financial crimes, corporate bankruptcies, industrial accidents, and the emergence of new destructive technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Thus, Crisis Management Research Institute conducts research on integrated crisis management that can preemtively detect and respond to these various crises£¬and ESG management for sustainable management as a today¡¯s survival strategy
The global Arts Research Institute has a great influence on the international and local communities to broaden the understanding of art and culture and offers systematic directions and the qualitative improvement in our society. This institute makes an effort to develop various contents in order to spread comprehension and participation in the field of music and art. It holds various international cultural and artistic conferences and engage in joint projects with academic organizations.
The institute aims to conduct global research on diaspora economics and management, education, social groups, media, human rights, and information resources to build a global network community and expand cultural domains in the era of globalization.
With the goal of raising and re-educating leaders in politics, business, education, and pastoral & Christian ministry, Global Leadership Institute/Forum conducts qualitative/quantitative research and develops exemplary leadership cases in the field of leadership. The Institute provides relevant leadership training programs and educates people to be able to possess effective leadership to maintain true value and efficient leadership outcomes.
The two following areas listed below:
- Public administration: The Institute aims to conduct research on public administration innovation to advance government administration, government organizations and its function, the human resources system, and the construction of a system on government cooperation and communication
- Public finance, budget, and international development cooperation: The Institute also provides research opportunities to individuals to study on public finance, budget, regulatory reform, and management
The research institute extracts the meaningful information from a vast amount of data, which is, big data, and analyzes data patterns to use them in various business fields. Based on this research, more reliable data results will be derived in the future, and a wide range of additional information will be collected for this purpose. Research projects and topics are covered under the theme of "Digital Transformation" which is taking place based on the development of information and communication technology (ICT) such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data management technology, 6G high speed communication platforms, and metaverse, supported with artificial intelligence (AI)
The Institute conducts research and provides consulting service in order to cultivate ongoing business opportunities. Ventures and established firms would be supported with business-related education. In addition, the Institute makes every effort to prepare the business venue for the international stakeholders in the areas of International retailing business, construction projects, and asset management.
The four following areas listed below:
- Education: The Institute aims to conduct research on curriculum development in K-12 settings, International education policy, educational networking, International future education, Online education research, educational research, and school establishment
- Special Education: The Institute aims to conduct research on mind, brain, and education related to the gifted programs
- English Language: The Institute aims to provide educational opportunities to individuals to gain skills in communicating in English in their areas of research interest. Specifically, it focuses more on the second language acquisition including syntax analysis
- Korean Language and Culture: The Institute aims to provide the local community and non-Korean researchers with opportunities to gain cultural knowledge, Korean language, and experiences necessary to communicate in a Korean environment.
By predicting and analyzing changes in the future environment and deriving national medium to long-term development strategies, the institute is conducted with the purpose of strengthening national policy capabilities and contributing to national development. In addition, the international future strategic forum and conference will be held to present the new national development trends through the enhancement of people's capabilities, resolution of social conflicts, and a dynamic economy.
International Complementary / Medicine Natural Healing Research / Health / Skin Health, etc.
The International Human Rights Research Institute intends to present a future vision for our society centered on human rights. The institute will build a discourse on international equal opportunity, discrimination, social and cultural rights through interdisciplinary research. This institute helps people find human rights along with the development of social welfare and build a human rights-friendly world to restore and sustain our society and human dignity, and to defend the human rights of minorities.
It has been operating in conjunction with Institute of Advanced Engineering (IAE), which is one of the best centers specializing in combustion processes and environmental controls. The Institute includes technical planning of the Korean standardized nuclear power plants, which have been highly recognized as the best nuclear power plants. Also, the Institute aims to conduct various researches on Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Operation, Maintenance and management of Electric Power facilities, and Transmission and Distribution.
The Institute aims to give educational opportunities to those who work in the public administration sector. Not only domestic public workers could join this research program but also international public workers. Our possible research areas include Public Policy Administration, International Relations, and Election & Campaign Management. The specific topics include writing a campaign plan, developing a winning campaign strategy, targeting and identifying voters, managing grassroots outreach & raising funds, promoting strategic communications for local government and communities.
The Safety and Security Research Institute leads the way in securing the safety of the people and social value as a public institution. It is operating the data science based on safety data analysis, international standard harmonization and technology lead. It conducts certification tests, research, policy support, and technology development related to the prevention of railroad & aviation accidents by collecting, analyzing and utilizing safety impediments for railroad & aviation safety information. In order to secure public safety, this study reviews railroad and aviation regulations from various angles, and concentrates on the core of railroad & aviation safety.
It is a research institute established to lead Christian theology by investigating and suggesting the future direction and path for theology and religion. In order to effectively testify the gospel of Christianity to the world, this institute communicates with the world in a way that is as understandable as possible, and aims to contribute to the realization of the reign of the kingdom of God in all areas of the world. For the purpose of integrative study of theology and religious studies, a variety of fields of research which are history, language, ministry, sermon, and worship are conducted.
This institute is established to seek a genuine humanistic perspective based on academic research on various religious cultures and to investigate critical reflection on human life. An in-depth research of the current multicultural missions contributing to the development of a social awareness of religious culture is conducted through collection of various data on domestic and foreign religious culture.