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Doctor of Musical Arts
The purpose of the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts is to establish students as front runners of the 21st century global leaders with the excellent competence through the training in the applied area. From various applied areas to such courses as music history, musical evolution in modern cross and orchestral music in analysis, the students will advance their performance techniques and profound musical knowledge preparing artists for careers in higher education.
Upon completing this degree, students will be able to:
- Exhibit the qualities of a professional performer through deeper training in their applied areas.
- Establish a research skills and performance ability in outstanding interpretation in music.
- Prove outstanding communication skills in their research assignment.
- Application form for admission
- $100.00 non-refundable application fee
- A brief autobiographical statement
- Official transcript appropriate for the program:
- Master's degree in either Music or Church Music, or its equivalent with a 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA.
- Audition
Students who are applying for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts should submit an audition in their applied areas by submitting a recording on a DVD with their admission application to the admission committee.
- Prerequisite Requirement
An applicant for the DMA whose master¡¯s degree was in a different applied area will be required to take two master level courses and a master¡¯s recital for the equivalent form master's degree applied area. The graduate recital requirement may be waived if the applicant had already completed three applied area courses or wants to take them all. If the prospective students decide to follow the admission policy regarding taking three prerequisite courses of applied area as a pre-doctoral study, they will not be required to follow the audition procedure. Those who apply for the applied area of Music Coaching in DMA degree are not required by such three prerequisite courses of applied area as a pre-doctoral Musical Arts degree program. Those who are as F-1 visa students must consult with music department in advance for this applied area's study application.
- Applicaton Essay
- Recommendation from church pastor or former teacher
- Two recent photographs (for student ID)
- The student must successfully complete the prescribed course of study with a grade point average of at
least 3.00 (B) out of 4.00.
- Receiving a ¡°C¡± in the doctoral program is considered a failure.
- The student must pass the Graduation Qualifying Examination. Students may take the exam three times if they fail first.
The retest opportunity is in the next semester. This test will be taken prior to submission of the recital or dissertation.
- Prior to graduation, the student must meet all financial obligations to the institution.
- Graduation concert in major field 3 times
1) Rules for the 1st and 2nd concerts - The 1st and 2nd concerts are under the guidance of the academic advisor.
The location, etc. must be submitted and approved by the school, and a live video of the performance must
be submitted to the school.
2) Rules for the final graduation concert - The final concert is under the guidance of the advisor.
Submit and receive approval from the school.
A 50-60 minute concert is recorded with a video record system and submitted to the school for evaluation.
In the case of vocal music, the language must be in three or more languages. Must be completed 8 months
prior to expected graduation.
At a place approved by the school, two judges will be in charge.
Graduation performance video, review professor evaluation, research theory and background on the subject
in the form of a thesis (pages 20-30) and submit. (Completed 4 months before expected graduation)
- DMA Graduation Recital examination fee ( Advisor & Defense fee $ 4,000 )
- Music Education major - Graduation Lecture Recital (Advisor & Defense fee $ 4,000)
- Attend Graduation Seminar and Graduation Concert
Music History and Theory
8 Credit Hours (Select 2 courses)
MU 801 Music of the Middle Ages and Early Baroque |
4 |
MU 802 Music from Late Baroque to Classical Period |
4 |
MU 803 Music in Romanticism and Later |
4 |
MU 807 Musical Evolution in Modern Cross-Cultural Society |
4 |
MU 808 Orchestral Music in Analysis |
4 |
Applied Area Courses
19 Credit Hours
MU 811 Doctoral Applied Area I |
3 |
MU 812 Doctoral Applied Area II |
3 |
MU 813 Doctoral Applied Area III |
3 |
MU 814 Doctoral Applied Area IV |
3 |
MU 818 Doctoral Recital |
4 |
MU 874 Doctoral Lecture Recital |
3 |
Applied Area Elective Courses
16 Credit Hours (Select 4 courses)
Conducting |
MU 845 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Conducting I |
4 |
MU 846 Doctoral Seminar of Choral Literature I |
4 |
MU 859 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Conducting II |
4 |
MU 860 Doctoral Seminar of Choral Literature II |
4 |
MU 861 Doctoral Seminar in Church Music and Leadership |
4 |
Instrument |
MU 820 Doctoral Ensemble Recital* |
4 |
MU 849 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature I |
4 |
MU 850 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature II |
4 |
MU 865 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature III |
4 |
MU 866 Doctoral Seminar of Instrumental Music Literature IV |
4 |
Music Coaching / Musical Arts Convergence |
MU 820 Doctoral Ensemble Recital* |
4 |
MU 851 Doctoral Seminar of Artistic Coaching I |
4 |
MU 852 Doctoral Seminar of Artistic Coaching II |
4 |
MU 853 Pianism I |
4 |
MU 854 Pianism II |
4 |
Music Education |
MU 870 Doctoral Seminar of Music Education Literature I |
4 |
MU 871 Doctoral Seminar of Music Education Literature II |
4 |
MU 872 Music Teaching Method I |
4 |
MU 873 Music Teaching Method II |
4 |
Musical Theatre |
MU 895 Musical Theatre Workshop I |
4 |
MU 896 Musical Theatre Workshop II |
4 |
MU 897 Musical Theatre Staged Reading |
4 |
MU 898 Musical Orchestration & Arranging |
4 |
Piano / Organ |
MU 820 Doctoral Ensemble Recital* |
4 |
MU 841 Doctoral Seminar of Piano/Organ Literature I |
4 |
MU 842 Doctoral Seminar of Piano/Organ Literature II |
4 |
MU 853 Pianism I |
4 |
MU 854 Pianism II |
4 |
Voice & Opera |
MU 843 Doctoral Seminar of Solo Vocal Literature I |
4 |
MU 844 Doctoral Seminar of Solo Vocal Literature II |
4 |
MU 855 Seminar in Italian Diction |
4 |
MU 856 Seminar in German Diction |
4 |
MU 857 Seminar in French Diction |
4 |
MU 858 Seminar in the History of Opera |
4 |
Free Electives
8 Credit Hours
Graduation Recital / Dissertation
6 Credit Hours
(Select One)
MU 819 Doctoral Graduation Project and Recital |
6 |
RS 805 Dissertation Research Seminar (3 Credits) & RS 807 Desseration (3 Credits) |
6 |
Capstone Course
3 Credit Hours